Test result overview
Overall Summary of
Fedora PowerPC
build Fedora-41-20240822.n.0
showing latest jobs,
overview fixed to the current time
Failed: 15
Flavor: Cloud_Base-qcow2-qcow2
Test | ppc64le |
cloud_autocloud | autocloud |
Flavor: Server-dvd-iso
Test | ppc64le |
install_arabic_language | _graphical_wait_login |
install_asian_language | _software_selection |
install_cyrillic_language | disk_guided_encrypted_postinstall |
install_european_language | _boot_to_anaconda |
install_mirrorlist_graphical | install_source_graphical |
install_serial_console | install_text |
install_simple_encrypted | _console_wait_login |
install_turkish_language | _graphical_wait_login |
mediakit_repoclosure | mediakit_repoclosure |
realmd_join_cockpit | freeipa_password_change +1 |
server_samba_domain_controller | samba_domain_controller |
support_server | _support_server |
support_server_2 | _support_server |
Flavor: Silverblue-dvd_ostree-iso
Test | ppc64le |
install_default_upload | _do_install_and_reboot |